Eating “Okonomiyaki” In Tokyo’s Kabuki-Cho District! Plus You Can Make It At Home!

Who’s Hungry For Okonomiyaki? 

Well I was, and what you see above is the real thing that my wife, son and friend made in Tokyo! 

Your first question may be:

“What is Okonomiyaki?”

Here’s how wikipedia describes it:

“Okonomiyaki is a Japanese teppanyaki, savory pancake dish consisting of wheat flour batter and other ingredients cooked on a teppan. Common additions include cabbage, meat, and seafood, and toppings include okonomiyaki sauce, aonori, katsuobushi, Japanese mayonnaise, and pickled ginger.”

So one night, we gathered around a hot grill in Tokyo’s famous Kabuki-Cho District and had them prepare one for us!

There’s nothing quite like Tokyo lit up at night – this entertainment zone is full of bars, restaurant, clubs and more and we needed sustenance before we got too carried away!

We wanted Okonomiyaki, so we found a place where they brought us a massive pancake and placed it on the grill, then cooked it until one side was crispy before carefully flipping it over:

Then they began to dress it with sauces, all done is cool squiggly lines for us to be amazed by!

When it’s done you cut off a hunk and dig in – and it is delicious!

When my wife Alex, son Jeff and I were in Tokyo we ate all kinds of wild food, like sushi for breakfast!

Yes, in the early morning the sushi counters are packed with people eating fresh fish from the legendary Tsukiji fish market next door!

Since we ate there, the market moved a bit further away from the city center – but it still exists so go see it!

Here is an inside look at the iconic market that was:

A bit more food and fun from Tokyo: you see my son befriended a Musician who worked in a bar and he played an original song for us!

This “Golden Gai” entertainment area is so much fun – see why by clicking on my story here!

So, why am I telling you all of this! Because, due to a shopping trip I made recently, I got to make some Okinomiyaki at home!

Imagine how happy I was when I went into a Japanese grocery store and saw this:

Yes, they sell Okonomiyaki kits in the store, so I had to grab a box and make some of this delicious dish at home!

Luckily, I had a bit of leftover steak and some garlic as well to offer a tasty addition to the dish – because this pancake is ready for anything you want to add to it!

I sliced my garlic and steak and cooked them together in a frying pan with some sesame oil:

The kit contains the batter mix, and you just add two eggs and a cup of water and mix it all together:

I made a video showing the entire process for making the dish – click on it and see how easy it is to create this at home!

If you watched the video, you saw me liberally sauce the Okonomiyaki pancake Sriracha Mayo and some Japanese Kewpie Mayo as well, and I also added the sauce that came in the kit – the end result was delicious!

I love Asian flavors of all kinds, and when I was doing my “52 In 22” cooking challenge, I did an entire menu of Japanese pub food!

There was a LOT going on here – click on my story to see all of the recipes!

I fell in love with Tokyo food – but I also fell in love with Korean food when I was in Seoul – here’s a video I made to celebrate it!

You can see more of my trip here:

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Leave a comment and let me know what you think of Okonomiyaki, and I you like this story please share on social media!

Categories: cookbooks, Exotic Travel, Food, food blog, Food Review, Memoirs, Recipes, Tokyo!, Travel, Travel Adventures, Wacky Food

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5 replies

  1. I don’t like uncooked fish but this gets my vote.


  2. The Okonomiyaki sounds terrific, but not sushi. I’ve given it a number of tries, but it’s a no go.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Okonomiyaki looks and sounds delicious!


  4. I am not a fan of the ‘uncooked’ Japanese food, but you can sign me up for one of those grilled pancakes, John!

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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