Warning: It’s “Raining Iguanas”! Look Out Below, The Iguanas Are Falling From Trees Again! “What The Friday” Has Details!

The National Weather Service Has Issued Another “Falling Iguana” Warning!

Well, it’s happening again: a government agency has just released another warning about Iguanas falling from trees!

“What The Friday” has the story!

A “Cold Weather” Iguana Warning!

It all started last January with breathless TV news coverage of course, which ran with this headline:

“Local Newscasters in Florida Warn Residents Against Imminent Rain of Falling Frozen Iguanas”

And now, it’s raining Iguanas again!

A recent cold spell in Florida has caused more “Iguana Rain”: The National Weather Service’s office in Miami reported that once again, the cold weather has started to immobilize the Iguanas, who then fall from the trees!

Important note: THEY AREN’T DEAD!

As the News reported in January, and again this week:

“Now the National Weather Service is warning that ‘We cannot rule out an isolated falling iguana or two this week,’” one local Reporter said. “Last time we saw it was back in January, and trappers we talked to then described the scene as raining iguanas.”

They went on to note:

“Now, because they are cold-blooded reptiles and need heat to survive, the sudden temperature drop shocks their systems,” Burke explained, and then played some footage of his last encounter with the phenomenon, at which time he was guided by a trapper from an iguana removal service — which is apparently a thriving business in Florida.

So they just pass out and fall to the ground, where they will wake up and go about their business soon after!

And the National Weather Service has also warned:

“This isn’t something we usually forecast, but don’t be surprised if you see Iguanas falling from the trees tonight as lows drop into the 30s and 40s!”

As news services rushed to report this, it’s important to note that the effect isn’t deadly. When Iguanas are stunned by the cold, they often simply stop moving in trees or fall.

Of course, Florida’s social media Reporters rushed to take take photos and video of the stunned Iguanas lying motionless on the ground, many of them with their legs in the air!

Experts say the Iguanas are likely to survive just fine – and they warn that even if the animals aren’t able to move their limbs, they can still deliver a painful bite – so don’t touch!

As one news service pointed out, Iguanas have the nickname “chicken of the trees.”
So of course, there have been reports in Miami that “culinary-minded” people began seizing – and selling — Iguanas that fell from trees!

That’s right, some locals are making Iguana Tacos!

Enough about THAT! On a completely different note, remember when I shared this?

This “What The Friday” took you to Yokohama to visit the world’s first “Poo Museum!”

Hey, I can’t make this stuff up – click here for a tour:


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Leave me a comment and let me know if you’ve been hit by a falling Iguana!

Categories: Books / Media, Funny Pictures, nature, Pop Culture, Travel Adventures, what the Friday

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21 replies

  1. My parents saw this happen last winter. A crazy sight, indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember your previous post about the iguanas. I’m never sure with your Friday posts are real or not, but I hope the iguanas aren’t being eaten, John. It just seems wrong to take advantage of the poor little things like that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reminds me of the children’s book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is exactly the moment I would love to have in teaching. Can you imagine being there with children as the iguanas fall, and stopping to look, learn, ask a million questions… and so much more? I can imagine that dream moment, as a teacher. Thank you, John.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I remember the falling iguanas, and would still like to see some!
    I also want to visit the Poo Museum. Perhaps I should build one in England! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.


  6. I’ve heard of weird things before, like frogs falling from the sky. But iguanas? I’d never have thunk it!

    I feel so sorry for these poor little guys. So sad. And pretty creepy if you’re taking a walk and a bunch of dead iguanas drop on you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They’re back! Look out above and check your taco!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s 2020, so of course there are more falling iguanas.😒


  9. Okay! Every day I’m given more and more reasons to not just not live in Florida, but not even visit the place!


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