Ready To Crack Open A “Crab Cola?” What The Friday!?!?!? Wild New Cola Flavor Is Crustacean-Based!

Ready To Gulp Down Some Crab Cola?

Yes, it’s “What The Friday”, which means we head to Japan once again for a taste sensation that must be bottled to be believed! Let’s set the stage and see how fast we get to “WTF?”

In Japan, they have spider crabs that look like this:

Japan also loves to do wacky things with beverages…remember my “Coffee Jelly?”

Well, I read a story about a Japanese company called the Takuyo Fisheries Industry that has just released their version of Coke – but they’ve added a flavor that has me saying “WTF?”

It’s Crab Cola!

Yes, it’s a cola drink that has been infused with the taste of spider crab!

Credit goes to intrepid reporter Evie Nyan at for uncovering this story. As she points out:

“The bottle design immediately caught our eye…the retro-style katakana font reads: “Kani (crab) Cola” and is romanized above as “Cani-Cola.” At the very top of the bottle, it reads “Crab flavor? A strange flavor cola!”.

Yes indeed, it looks suspiciously like a bottle of Coca-Cola, but as the label warns, it’s so much more than that!

So how did it taste? Well, head over to the SoraNews24 website for the taste test, but here’s a hint: if it moves like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck! Now exchange the word “crab” and you get the idea…but for proof, click on their link here to see all of Evie Nyan’s terrific story!

I love how SoraNews24 covers all the fascinating aspect of Asian culture, and I subscribe to their newsletter in order to stay up on all of it!

This “What The Friday” continues a theme of “wacky food mashups” – remember last week?

Yes, a brewery in the US made a special edition beer with the flavor of “Lucky Charms” cereal! I’d try that as well! You can see more about it here:

And, if you are also fascinated by “Coffee Jelly”, know that it comes in a vending machine in Tokyo:

What else can you get in a vending machine in Tokyo? How about Hairy Crabs! Mashed Potatoes! Yes, you can read all about coffee jelly, mashed potatoes and more by clicking my story here:

Come on over and let’s crack open a crab coke!

Categories: Books / Media, Exotic Travel, Food, food blog, Food Review, Japan, Pop Culture, Recipes, Tokyo!, Travel, Travel Adventures, Uncategorized, Wacky Food

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11 replies

  1. Sounds disgusting and yet ‘crab coke’ has quite a ring to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like coke as well as anyone but I think I’ll pass on this one! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Whatever next as my mum would say… Next stop here I am guessing… Will alert my little trendy shopper… He found the cheese tea 😋🍵

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like the taste of cola, and don’t mind the flavour of crab. But there are some things that should just never be combined! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person


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