An Amazing Mt. Fuji Story! Tokyo’s “Building Unblocking” View Surprise!

Welcome To Tokyo – And Majestic Mt. Fuji!

What a view! You may not know it, but Mt. Fuji can be seen in all its majesty from Tokyo – well, until someone builds an apartment building that blocks the view!

Thus begins another fascinating story courtesy of! You see, there is a street that has a majestic view of the mountain…well, until a developer put up an apartment building, leading to this:

As you can see, one half of the street can no longer see the entire mountain! The building’s name: Grand Maison Fujimidori. Fujimidori is the name of the street the building is located on, and it translates to “Street with a View of Mt. Fuji.” However, while the units on the upper floors of the Grand Maison Fujimidori. Fujimidori would boast nice views of Japan’s tallest mountain, the building itself worsens the view of Mt. Fuji from the street.

So what was originally this view:

Became this one as construction continued:

But wait! Before you get too angry, read what happened next – an unheard of decision by the Developer!

As SoraNew24 reports:

In July, Japanese real estate developer Sekisui House was scheduled to finish construction on a high-rise condominium in Kunitachi, a district of western Tokyo. However, with just a few weeks until the first residents were supposed to get their keys and move in, Sekisui House has announced that instead of putting the finishing touches on the building, they’re going to tear the whole thing down.

Yes – they are going to tear it down to preserve the view!

Mt. Fuji, Japan viewed from Chureito Pagoda in the autumn.

Yes, while from high up the mountain looks great, from down below any high rise construction can destroy the view – until the building Developer suddenly decided that the street view of the mountain was more important than money!

SoraNews 24 continued with this story:

On the 4th of this month, Sekisui House developer informed the Kunitachi government that it will be demolishing Grand Maison Fujimidori without any residents moving in, saying that “We did not sufficiently consider the effect on the surrounding area, including the scenery.”


In a statement posted to the company’s website on the 11th, Sekisui House says that as construction progressed and they saw the actual effect the building had on the view, they “have come to the decision to prioritize the view from Fujimidori and are voluntarily cancelling the construction project.”

Bravo to this company for doing the right thing!

As always, SoraNews24 had the story – and you can see more of it with more videos as well by reading the full story here:

I love reading about people doing the right thing!

My wife and I were in Tokyo and got a great view of the mountain from our hotel:

We stayed in the Park Hyatt Hotel, where the film “Lost In Translation” was filmed, including the bar where Bill Murray sips Japanese Whiskey and watches the band perform nightly, like we did – take a listen!

Click on my story here for an inside look at the hotel!

Speaking of music, we also had lunch – and the Chefs performed for us as well!

It was the perfect blend of culinary artistry and music! Click here to see where we ate and what we had!

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Let me know your thoughts, and if you like this story please share on social media!

Categories: Exotic Travel, Food, Japan, Memoirs, Real Estate, Tokyo!, Travel, Travel Adventures

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6 replies

  1. Wow, the construction company should have done its homework before it started building. What a crazy waste of money.


  2. This is amazing and great that they are doing this! Bravo to them and the beautiful view –

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good people doing good things. What a wonderful story. The developer can sleep at night and wear a smile on his face, knowing he did the right thing. Thank you, John.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I read some Twitter threads about this. Great to see that a developer did the right thing for once.

    Best wishes, Pete.


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