It’s “National Wine Day” 2024! Here’s Why It’s Healthy To Celebrate!

It’s “National Wine Day“!

This sign sums up my feelings for wine. And today is a day for me to show my appreciation.

That’s right, May 25th is “National Wine Day”, a day to celebrate wine, so get ready to unwind with a glass or two of your favorite Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay.

There are so many “national” days – but this one is always fun, because “wine is life.”

funny wine pictures

All joking aside, wine is healthy, so let’s look at all the ways to celebrate that fact!

“Wine is sunlight, held together by water.”

We all know that a glass of red wine every day tastes great, but science has shown that it’s a great way to maintain a healthy heart. Did you know the other benefits of a glass of wine? How about boosting your memory and immune system. Not only that, but wine in moderation might also help with weight loss. I mean, this stuff is gold!


Toast To Good Health And Eternal Life!

We all know how good wine taste, but thanks to Food and Wine magazine, here are the eight great reasons you need to be drinking an f’in Merlot right now – let’s cut down these great health benefits!

Benefit #1: Promotes Longevity

The Evidence: Wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers. Source: a Finnish study of 2,468 men over a 29-year period, published in the Journals of Gerontology, 2007.

Benefit #2: Reduces Heart-Attack Risk

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack than nondrinkers. Source: a 16-year Harvard School of Public Health study of 11,711 men, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 2007.

Benefit #3: Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

The Evidence: Red-wine tannins contain procyanidins, which protect against heart disease. Wines from Sardinia and southwest France have more procyanidins than other wines. Source: a study at Queen Mary University in London, published in Nature, 2006.

Benefit #4: Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers have 30 percent less risk than nondrinkers of developing type 2 diabetes. Source: research on 369,862 individuals studied over an average of 12 years each, at Amsterdam’s VU University Medical Center, published in Diabetes Care, 2005.

Benefit #5: Lowers Risk of Stroke

The Evidence: The possibility of suffering a blood clot–related stroke drops by about 50 percent in people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. Source: a Columbia University study of 3,176 individuals over an eight-year period, published in Stroke, 2006.

Benefit #6: Cuts Risk of Cataracts

The Evidence: Moderate drinkers are 32 percent less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers; those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those drinking mainly beer. Source: a study of 1,379 individuals in Iceland, published in Nature, 2003.

Benefit #7: Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer

The Evidence: Moderate consumption of wine (especially red) cuts the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent. Source: a Stony Brook University study of 2,291 individuals over a four-year period, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005.

Oh, and happy birthday to the visionary wine maker Luc Morlet!

I will toast you today!

Now, back to the health benefits of wine!

Benefit #8: Slows Brain Decline

The Evidence: Brain function declines at a markedly faster rate in nondrinkers than in moderate drinkers. Source: a Columbia University study of 1,416 people, published in Neuroepidemiology, 2006.

I mean, these are just the tip of the “wine is healthy” iceberg! My wife and I got the chance to explore the Chateauneuf-du-Pape wine region of France:

Touring France and Provence

We had incredible wines all over the region – here is a look at that tasty trip:

And cheers to Jeb Dunnuck and Audrey Frick for the incredibly insightful reviews you share – we subscribe and use your guides to find the best wine and best values there are – everyone check them out here!

Finally, I leave you with Daryl Hall and John Oates and their raucous musical tribute to wine:

hall and oates intravino

Daryl Hall & John Oates – Intravino!

Wine is so good for you that Hall & Oates once wrote a song about it!

“Gimme wine, wine, I need IntraVino
Wine, wine, I need it every day-o
Wine, wine, Mis en bouteilles au Chateau
All the time, I need wine all the time.
Six o’clock gotta have Beaujolais
Eight o’clock I open up Pouilly-Fuiss?
Love the ruby color. Grand cru classe
Never love another once I’ve savored that bouquet
Oh yeah need IntraVino!”

Here they are performing it live:

funny wine sayings

Wine is also funny. If you don’t believe me, ask Monty Python, who offered up this wine review:

“It’s a fine regurgitator!”


See some of the Python’s best wine reviews here:

Finally, Alex and I got to explore a unique winery on the Greek Island of Santorini:

Yes, they have no rain but they grow grapes – in a very unique way!

Click here to see how:

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If you enjoy these moments, please share on social media – and get ready for more Greek adventures….let me know if you’ve been!

Categories: Art, Food, Funny Pictures, Memoirs, nature, Pop Culture, Travel Adventures, wine

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9 replies

  1. so many good reasons, so little time

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a wine lover, so this post had me nodding and smiling. I knew wine must be why I’m feeling and acting much younger than my age. 30-year-old teachers think I’m just like them. So cool. Gotta be the wine! 😀


  3. I have to share your post with my wife. She likes to joke about wine’s health benefits. I’m amazed by the growth of small vineyards outside of California and NY over the past 10 years. (The growth of small craft breweries and distilleries too.) I like learning about different wines, but my palate is still on the weaker end. Probably lean more to the whites. What’s your go-to wine?


  4. I thought everyday was wine appreciation day…..chuq


  5. I must be the only one in the world who doesn’t like the taste of wine, lol.


  6. Enjoy your day of celebration! When I did my MBA we had a couple of Australians on the course. They hosted an ‘Australian Evening’ for us, and I recorded the Monty Python piece from my LP for it. The cassette was played several times, much to their great amusement, and I left it with them as a souvenir 😊

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Time To Celebrate “National Wine Day!” Here Are Wine’s Health Benefits! – Bite! Eat! Repeat!

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