James Taylor’s Brilliant Breakup Ballad! “Songs With A ‘T’” Has “Her Town Too” + Pete Townsend, Bob Dylan and Traveling Wilburys!

“She gets the house with a gardenhe gets the boys in the band…”

This heartbreaking line was written by James Taylor, all about his breakup with wife Carly Simon…one of the most poignant songs ever!

It’s also one of my “Music With A ‘T’ Songs!

These songs all have one thing in common: either the song or the Artist begins with a “T” – so get ready for some Pete Townsend, Tom Petty and a bit of Traveling Wilburys too! But, let’s start it off with one of the world’s most popular entertainers!

Bruno Mars is one of the world’s most popular performers today, and one of his most energetic song is “24K Magic!”

“24k” by Bruno Mars

It’s the title of his third album, and a massive hit – I dare you not to get caught up in its funky groove!

Here’s the official music video of “24K” by Bruno Mars:

I love Bruno, and so does someone else, who took one of his classic songs and married it to vintage movie clips – the result is amazing, see it here:

Next up is a legendary Singer / Songwriter who wrote what is, for me, the greatest breakup song ever:

James Taylor and Carly Simon were a marriage made in musical heaven…so imagine how shocked everyone was when they broke up!

They each has hugely successful solo music careers, and they performed together as well…so when they broke up, James Taylor told their story with the help of legendary songwriter JD Souther:

“Her Town Too”

This 1981 hit has powerful lyrics about what happens with two well known people break up.

One of the great lyrics is this one:

“She gets the house with a gardenHe gets the boys in the band…”

And then the song goes on this way:

“Well, people got used to seeing them both together
But now he’s gone and life goes on
Nothing lasts forever, oh no
She gets the house and the garden
He gets the boys in the band
Some of them his friends
Some of them her friends
Some of them understand
Lord knows that this is just a small town city
Yes, and everyone can see you fall
It’s got nothing to do with pity
I just wanted to give you a callIt used to be your town
It used to be my town, too
You never know ’till it all falls down
Somebody loves you
Somebody loves you
Darling, somebody still loves you
I can still remember
When it used to be her town, too
It used to be your town
It used to be my town, too”

Take a listen to this incredible song:

James Taylor has had a phenomenal music career – but did you know he acted in a film?

This is an obscure gem, also starring the legendary character Actor Warren Oates, and Dennis Wilson, the drummer of The Beach Boys!

Click here to see more about this film:

Time for some “power pop!” If you don’t know the genre of “power pop”, it’s from a phrase coined by The Who’s Pete Townsend – see more of my story here:

Yes, Pete Townsend coined the phrase, and he went on to create some of the greatest songs of all time – and some great solo songs as well, like this:

Pete Townsend – “Give Blood”

This autobiographical song is from Townsend’s terrific “White City” concept album – here is a live version of the song, with a great guitar intro by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd:

Yes, The Who hit 50 a few years back, and Townsend publishes his extremely candid autobiography as well – see more here:

Another legendary Singer/Songwriter has had many career transformations:

“Tight Connection To My Heart” by Bob Dylan

Yes, Dylan is in the groove in his music video!

In 1985, Bob Dylan released his twenty-third studio album, Empire Burlesque – watch the official music video of ‘Tight Connection To My Heart (Has Anyone Seen My Love)’ now.

Dylan was, of course, also part of one of the greatest “supergroups” of all time – along with Tom Petty, ELO’s Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison and George Harrison:

The Traveling Wilburys – “End Of The Line”

In the early 80’s this super group created two albums of country-tinged pop rock that is as easy to listen to today as it was then:

What a short and sweet slice of classic pop music…see more music videos from The Traveling Wilburys here:

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Let me know what you think of these “T” songs!

Categories: 70's Music, Art, Classic Rock, Music, Obscure Music, Pop Culture, Talent/Celebrities, Todd Rundgren

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12 replies

  1. Good picks, John. I remember reading somewhere that the song You’re So Vain by Carly Simon was actually written about Warren Buffett rather than James Taylor.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi John, there is so much to appreciate and like here. A great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. One of the greats! I will always love his music!


  4. The James Taylor one wasn’t available here but I know and like the song. Stand out for me here was the Travelling Wilburys- a true super group.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Despite being a huge fan of Jeff Lynne and ELO, I never got into the Wilburys. They were a bit too Country for me. My wife is a big fan of Bruno Mars, and I really like his ‘funky’ songs.
    Best wishes, Pete.


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