An Incredible Oasis In The Midst Of The Big Apple! My “Travel Challenge” Day #4 Explores New York’s Central Park!

Who’s Up For a Travel Challenge?

Yes, there are times when nature can push back against civilization – perhaps the best example is New York’s iconic Central park – look at that massive public park, located right in the center of the city:

You may have heard of the “big lawn” – where Artists like Simon & Garfunkel have performed for a sea of fans…one of the many things that makes this city so special.

I love Central Park – and all of the crooks and crannies are worth sharing as part of the “travel challenge” I was nominated to participate in – and which I am doing gladly!

Here is my shot to get that participation underway:

Details On This “Travel Challenge!”

The above photo shows just how inspiring our world can be – and how exhilarating it can be to explore it. This incredible park sits inside one of the world’s busiest cities – and while I can’t travel now due to the pandemic, I was excited to share my trip inside this magical oasis.

Now, about the “travel challenge”: it’s all about visual images – so the challenge is to post a favorite travel picture for 10 days without explanation and nominate someone else to participate.

I love traveling, and I love taking pictures, so this was an easy one for me…and yes, I just had to talk about the photos a little bit!

This is my favorite shot: the lake inside the park by Bethesday fountain, and the reflection of the city rising high above it…

If you’ve never wandered through the park, it has so many incredible things, from a castle to a skating rink, a zooo and a reservoir a swell…here’s a bit of video from the unique area known as “The Ramble”:

That was all part of a 196-block walk through New York City…and there is so much to see!

You can follow along on my journey by clicking on my story here:

I was nominated to take part in this “travel challenge” by Carol, whose website link is below. Carol shares terrific stories about exotic food and unique recipes, as well as important stories about our environment!

How am I celebrating this challenge? Well, I’m doing it SKY HIGH:

I will be taking you all around the world – from this incredible trip to the north side of the Grand Canyon, to the Pacific Ocean, Bondi Beach, Barcelona and more!

Here’s the first day of this fun adventure if you missed it:

Yesterday, I headed to the beach:

Malibu has a number of pristine beaches right on the Pacific Ocean, and you can see them all by clicking on my story here:

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Also, why not sign up to receive emails whenever I post? It’s easy to do, I do NOT collect any information about you at all, there are absolutely NO ads of any kind, just stories about movies, music, books, food, travel and pop culture…

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Leave a comment and let me know your favorite travel adventures – and if you’ve explored the amazing world of Central Park!


Categories: Books / Media, Exotic Travel, Memoirs, nature, New York, Pop Culture, Real Estate, Travel, Travel Adventures, Travel Memoir

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25 replies

  1. Central Park has more than people realize. It is a paradise within the city.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to live in Manhattan. You bring back so many good memories!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. When I visited New York in 2019, Central Park was nothing like I’d imagined. The sheer size of it is staggering. I spent about four hours there over two days, and I still didn’t see it all. I remember following the maps to try to get to one part of it and finding that we had passed up our destination and were now further away from where we had started. But it didn’t matter because there is something to see around every corner. Thanks for sharing your photos and memories!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for commenting…I agree, there is just too much to absorb! I filmed there one day with Joan Rivers, at Bethesda Fountain. A group of high school kids were going by in a school bus and they stopped to meet her – she posed with every single one of them. She was an incredible person…


  4. I’ve been to Central Park, but I never saw this incredible angle from overhead.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We have visited the US many times in the past but never NY which is one of my biggest disappointments but I can live vicariously through your post which is fantastic the park looks just astonishing, John …I am so pleased you accepted the challenge…Cheers for the mention 🙂 xx


  6. there is nothing like Central Park! there are still many parts of it that I have yet to discover

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely spring vibes from your photos

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is a beautiful and huge park, John. Somehow, when I think of this park it always reminds me of The Stand by Stephen King. Thank you for the video and discussion, it is very interesting. Have a lovely new week.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. A great place to feature, John. On my one and only trip to NYC, I made sure I visited Central Park and I loved it. The tribute to John Lennon was very moving.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Beautiful, so serene and peaceful, a breath of fresh air and greenery in the middle of an urban jungle. It’s no wonder Central Park is so popular and well known.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Good choice, John. This post taught me a great deal about Central Park that I never knew before.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Fighting Off Piranha! My #TravelChallenge Day #8 Heads To Cabo San Lucas For Killer Fish! Whales And Sea Lions Too! – johnrieber
  2. Central Park Has Hungry Turtles! Here’s Video Of These Voracious Slowpokes! – johnrieber
  3. Hilarious New York Marathon Signs! Celebrating The Big Apple’s 50K Strong Mega-Race With Humor! – johnrieber

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