Big Macs On A Stick! Big Mac Sushi! “McDo” Me! My Favorite McDonald’s Food Mashups!

Wacky McDonald’s “Big Mac” Mashups!

Yes, I admit that #Quarantinelife is getting to me. I need an escape from the isolation – I need to mash up food!

Big Mac Deep Fried

Time for some of the wildest fast food mashups I have found from around the world, all through the filter of the golden arches – starting with this “deep fried Big Mac!”

Deep fried big mac

More on this creation in a moment, but did you know that McDonalds sells some very unusual stuff around the world? Here are some examples:

the mcrice burger

Yes, that’s a “McRice” burger, and they have a Shrimp burger as well:

McDonald's Macaroni Burger

wildest mcdonalds menu items


As you can see, Romania has a special menu to call their own, and if you went to India, you could order this:

“The Maharaja Mac!”


The Chicken Maharaja Mac is a grilled chicken patty filled with jalapeño, onion, cheddar cheese, tomatoes and lettuce dressed with a classical Habanero sauce.

As you can see, there are many unique McDonalds menu items around the world, but this one caught my attention:

peep my eats


Yes, it’s a “deep fried Big Mac”, and I can only imagine how “two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles onions on a sesame seed bun” would taste breaded and fried!

McDonald’s seems to have a bit of fun themselves with their food. Let me suggest that you:


“McDo Me!”

Yes, McDonald’s has been mashing themselves up all over the world, with such offerings as a “McCurrywurst” and a “McDo!”

McDona;d's German McCurrywurst

See them all by clicking on my story here:

Of course, fast food with a “south of the border” flair is called:

wild McDonalds menu items


It’s the restaurant’s take on the traditional open-faced mexican sandwich with an English muffin, refried beans, cheese, and pico de gallo!

And if you love sushi, but still want the delicious flavor of a Big Mac, then look no further:

Big Mac sushi

“Big Mac” Sushi!

Yes, you can make sushi using the ingredients from a Big Mac!

There are no words to describe just how much I love this! And thanks so much to my good friend Nick Uemura for sharing this with me! I’d try this in a second!

Of course, I would serve that on my homemade “conveyor belt sushi bar”!

I love the guy who made a homemade version so he could still enjoy his sushi this way during #quarantinelife…see the video here:

Not sure I’d enjoy the flavor of a Big Mac turned into sushi, but why not give life a taste? And if you are in Japan, then you go to McDonalds for this:

wildest mcdonalds burgers megatamago

The Mega Tamago!

See how McDonalds is stacking their burgers “mega Tamago” style – a slightly altered Double Big Mac with one meat patty replaced with an egg patty, and some bacon added as well – and many foodies have begun to make their own, with some getting really carried away:

As soon as the world reopens and I feel like going out, I’m going to buy a few burger and see what I can mashup on my own!

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Don’t forget: if you enjoy this story, please share with your friends on social media – I think a deep-fried Big Mac may be in my future!

Deep fried big mac

Categories: cookbooks, Exotic Travel, Food, food blog, Food Review, Funny Pictures, Hamburgers, Japan, Pop Culture, Recipes, Restaurants, Tokyo!, Travel, Travel Adventures, Travel Memoir, Wacky Food

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12 replies

  1. Those look wild!! I kinda want to try the deep-fried Big Mac to be honest.


  2. Some of these look especially crazy like the sushi & mega tamago. How are you supposed to them?!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow wow wow love odd food mutations


  4. I would go for a deep fried Bic Mac, and certainly a McDo. BUT, a sushi Big Mac is just wrong, in every way imaginable! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, these images make me hungry, John. I haven’t had McDonald for quite a while. I remember McDonald has a different menu in Hong Kong.


  6. I love all of these, John, except for the sushi. I don’t like sushi and a sushi hamburger isn’t my thing at all. I am also a bit tired of Quarantine life, John, but I have some inspired ideas for new posts and cakes.



  1. Who Wants A “Beef Stew Pie?” McDonald’s Japan With Savory Mashup For The Holidays! – johnrieber

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