Bread’s Soggy “Baby I’m A Want You!” Worst Song Of All Time? Listen And Vote Here!

Have A Slice Of This Soft “Bread!”

Have you listened to any really bad music lately? Well, I can fix that!

Meet “Bread” – a “soft rock” band from Los Angeles, California.

“Bread” had 13 hit songs on the Billboard Hot 100 chart between 1970 and 1977 and were, as wikipedia correctly notes, “an example of what later was labeled as ‘soft rock’.”


Need a sample? Well, here their #1 single “Make It With You” as performed in 1977 on The Midnight Special:

“Soft Rock” Indeed!

According to wikipedia, here is the band’s lineup:

The band consisted of David Gates (vocals, bass guitar, guitar, keyboards, violin, viola, percussion), Jimmy Griffin (vocals, guitar, keyboards, percussion) and Robb Royer (bass guitar, guitar, flute, keyboards, percussion, recorder, backing vocals). Mike Botts became their permanent drummer when he joined in the summer of 1969, and Larry Knechtel replaced Royer in 1971, playing keyboards, bass guitar, guitar, and harmonica.

So why I am I giving these guys a hard time? They had thirteen hit singles – why am I picking on them?

Well…how about this?

“Baby, I’m A Want You”

Baby, I’m A WHAT?!?!?!?

Yes, take a moment to say the name…say is slowly…now say it again.


Not only is this the WORST name for a song of all time, it was a big hit single in 1972! Not only that, the album had the same title – they not only released a song with this name, but they embraced it!

The song was written by Bread’s lead singer David Gates – note the music sheet and the instruction at the upper left:

“Slowly,with feeling”

Well that’s unsettling.

Gates had a very distinctive voice singing some VERY wacky lyrics:

“Baby I’m-a want you
Baby I’m-a need you
You’re the only one I care enough to hurt about
Maybe I’m-a crazy
But I just can’t live without
your lovin’ and affection
Givin’ me direction
Like a guiding light to help me through a darkest hour
Lately I’m a-prayin’
That you’ll always be a-stayin’ beside me”

Time to let you hear this song and decide for yourself!

Click and enjoy!

The album actually reached #3 on the Billboard chart in 1972, and the title cut also went to #3 on the Billboard Top 100, along with the other hits “Everything I Own” which went to #5, and “Diary” which was also top twenty.

This album was a smash hit!

OK, it may be the worst song of all time, by a band that for those who think Coldplay is too hard-edged…now, it really is the title that makes me shake my head, but that alone doesn’t make a song bad – here’s another song with a wacky title…

“Strawberry Letter 23”!

Yes, The Brothers Johnson had a big hit with this wacky song as well! The difference is, this song is amazing – and it was produced by Quincy Jones! See the whole story of the classic duo The Brothers Johnson here:

And then, what if you have a great song like Steely Dan’s “Reelin’ In The Years” – but it’s the worst PERFORMANCE OF ALL TIME?

That’s where The Osmond come in! Click here to see them butcher the Steely Dan classic!


Now, let’s end on a much higher musical note:


Is Pete Twonsend’s Who anthem “Won’t Get Fooled Again” the greatest rock song of all time?

Here are the three contenders for that title!

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Let me know what you think of Bread’s music!

Categories: 70's Music, Art, Books / Media, Classic Rock, Music, Obscure Music, Pop Culture, Talent/Celebrities

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25 replies

  1. As a former child of the 70s I must protest. It was one of the more perfect make out songs of the era, too. To paraphrase Aristotle, bad grammar does not a worst song make. I’ve just got to throw out these five words as an alternative. Carl Douglas, Kung Fu Fighting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! First of all, thanks for commenting – second, you have a very valid point! I do say in my story that I OWNED the album, so there is that – and as for Kung Fu Fighting, you may have found a song that is indeed worse!


  2. Are ye mad? The guitar on the Bread song is sublime! A sense of space and sunshine is also imparted by this song (I’m not actually a Bread fan but credit where it’s due)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John, the worst song ever is “Afternoon Delight” by the Starland Vocal Band. Yuck!


  4. I’ll be the lone oddball here and defend Bread. It’s not really my sound, and I don’t like either of these two songs, but I actually liked a few of their songs. It may have been that I had a girlfriend at the time who liked them and that perhaps clouded my judgment. Haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bread was really awful but safe for all audiences and easy to listen to, no controversy like white bread. Compare that to many other great bands of the time and their music had so much more substance and variety and never sure what to expect – Luke a great multi grain loaf!


  6. Yeah, have to agree with you on this, John. In my defense, you kinda had to appreciate Bread the band for their popularity with many young people back then. Especially, if you wanted to dance with them when this was played at high school dances and parties. I never was turned down when one of theirs came over the speakers.

    That old saying more than applies here, “Hey, it was the ’70s.” 😉

    p.s., thanks for reminding me how Donny and Marie butchered a Dan song! I’ll have that tune in head for awhile now. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t know if this is the worst song ever, but I’ve always hated it.😕

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I was never fond of soft rock, but many others liked it. Bad grammar in songs drives me crazy too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You said it all. Bread was such an awful band, with those mawkishly sentimental songs. But they were also very popular in the UK at the time, much to my disgust!
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people


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