A Classic Memory In Cannes With “The Mask!” Jim Carrey’s Hilarious E! Interview! Cameron Diaz Too!

How I Feel About “The Mask!”

That picture says it all: I love “The Mask”, the hilarious 1994 film starring Jim Carrey…here’s one reason:

You see, E! Host Michael Castner and I all saw the film with Carrey months before it opened around the world!

We were at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival – and I always documented our adventures as much as I could – some of the best times ever!

Welcome To Cannes!

The world’s most prestigious film festival takes place every May in the sleepy French Riviera town of Cannes France.

That year, Jim Carrey was at the festival to promote a new film he had, following the surprise box office success of “Ace Venutra: Pet Detective” a few months earlier – his new film wouldn’t open round the world for five more months – in fact, in three scenes the visual effects were still temporary – but since the entire world’s film press was there, so was he!

So that’s how Michael and I ended up on the beach in small plastic chairs interviewing the funniest man in the world – and we spoke to Cameron Diaz as well – it was her movie debut!

We have her first TV interview for the film – plus Michael and Jim’s walk along the French Riviera – here is the classic clip from our interview with the Comic genius:

This 1994 film was a smash hit, and turned the Comedian into the hottest star in the world!

The plot has a minimal setup: the meek and mild-mannered Bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss is transformed into a manic superhero when he finds a mysterious mask – and puts it on to wildly hilarious results.

Here’s the trailer for “The Mask”:

Here’s a fun fact about the movie: the iconic banana-yellow suit that Jim Carrey wears is based on a suit his mother made for him for his first attempt at stand-up comedy!

By the way, this was Cameron Diaz’s first acting role. She was also in Cannes and was very sweet when we met her as well.

Both of them were so young at the time: Jim Carrey was 31 and Cameron Diaz was 21 when they made the film.

It was all part of the terrific times we had going to Cannes every year – to see the official films in competition, and to interview all fo the stars who headed there to take advantage of the fact that the world’s press was all in one place!

That’s me on the left, watching Michael interview Arnold Schwarzenegger behind The Carlton Hotel:

If you want to know how this little press gathering went HORRIBLY OFF THE RAILS, click on my story here!

One of my favorite memories of Cannes was when we took Joan and Melissa Rivers there to shoot a Fashion Review!

They were two of the most fun people we ever took to the south fo France, and if you want to know how we shot on the dock of The Carlton Hotel, just click here:

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Let me know what you think of this film!

Categories: Action Films, Books / Media, Cannes Film Festival, Comedy Movies, Cult Movies, Exotic Travel, Great Films, Hollywood, Memoirs, Movies, Pop Culture, Talent/Celebrities, Travel Adventures, Travel Memoir, TV Show

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16 replies

  1. Love this post! The Mask is one of my favourite childhood films – and a favourite which has definitely grown with me – I still find it enjoyable to this day. I love Jim Carrey too! I guess I grew up with a lot of the films he was ‘known for’ so maybe a little biased but honestly, he is so funny and even watching Liar Liar for the zillionth time on Sunday TV can have me in stiches. There was something different about Stanley though, whereas ‘The Mask’ was so exuberant and crazy, his character of Stanley Ipkiss was different to his usual portrayals and made the film even more likable. And Cameron Diaz never looked better! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading and commenting! It was her first TV interview and she was nervous but really nice, and I’ve been lucky enough to be around Carrey a half dozen times and he’s genuinely one of the nice ones in a business filled with many who aren’t…(see Mel Gibson)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t see this movie, but Jim is a natural comedian. The interview is terrific, they were so young! My favorite Cameron Diaz movie is “My Best Friend’s Wedding.” I think you are desperately missing the Cannes Film Festival, as you should be. That makes these posts all the sweeter.


  3. This sounds like such a fun adventure from beginning to end and I had no idea that was cd’s first film-


  4. My sons were young and loved everything about Jim Carrey. I like him a lot. He’s brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are great memories with a couple of very funny people!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A great YT interview, John. Thanks for sharing it. I loved the mask and most of Jim Carey’s other movies too.


  7. Like Pete I’m not a huge fan of Jim Carrey, but he genuinely seems like a nice guy and this video was so much fun to watch!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. As much as I often find Jim’s rubber-faced antics annoying, I do like to see him being ‘himself’, when he seems to be such a nice guy. And I actually enjoyed ‘The Mask’, even though I didn’t expect to.
    Nice feature, John.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Celebrating Joan Rivers…My Trip To Cannes With Joan And Melissa Rivers! – johnrieber

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