“Movies A – Z” Has “Ladies Singing The Blues!” Ten “Movies With An ‘L'” Are “Lost In Translation” And “America” Too!

A List So Large It Could Fill A Theater THIS BIG!

There is nothing better than the shared experience of a film on the big screen! Well, that is unless you also like a bit of privacy:

My “Movies A-Z” countdown has hit another letter packed with classic cinema – part of the fun in a list like this is to tell you about films you may not have heard of!

That said, let’s talk about ten great films that begin with the letter “L”!

10 – “The Long Good Friday”

Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren star in this terrific 80’s gangster film. A London mobster uses some very unorthodox techniques on his competitors:

However, the times are changing, and Hoskins has to learn to adapt or else. Check out the trailer:

Check out the trailer:

This is the late Actor’s greatest performance – and Helen Mirren is also terrific – and it also includes a very young Pierce Brosnan as well – here is more about this classic gangster film:

Next up is a very obscure psychological horror film from the early 70’s:

9 – “Let’s Scare Jessica To Death”

Jessica had a breakdown. Now she is recovering. but her dreams are back, quickly becoming nightmares. Check out the trailer:

This moment in the film is mesmerizing – a little known but riveting psychological horror gem!

Thanks to Warner Archive, this is now on home video – it’s worth a look – here is more on the cast, along with some fun trivia about the movie:

The “L” list includes many films that are on my top twenty of all time, including this “L.A. Noir” from the late 70’s – starring Lily Tomlin and Art Carney!

8 – “The Late Show”

Carney may be best known for his comedic work on “The Jackie Gleason Show”, but he excels in this part – a worn out Private Detective hired by Lily Tomlin to find her cat – here is the trailer:

Lily Tomlin is also terrific in the movie, a terrific plot and absolute great acting from everyone in the cast! The film was written and directed by Robert Benton – whose next film would be the Oscar-winning “Kramer Vs. Kramer”.

I cannot recommend this more highly – and it’s on DVD as well – see more trivia here:

Albert Brooks is one of America’s most under-appreciated Directors, and here’s one reason why:

7 – “Lost In America”

Brooks wrote, directed and stars in this comedy about 80’s America – here is the trailer:

From Julie Hagerty’s obsession with the number “22” at the craps table, to Brooks’ desire to get “lost in America” and “touch Indians”, this is a perfect look at life in 1980’s America!

Criterion just released a great Blu-Ray release – see details here:

Next up is a 1972 musical biography of one of the world’s greatest Singers:

6 – “Lady Sings The Blues”

Diana Ross made an incredible movie debut as Singer Billie Holiday, one of America’s most loved and memorable blues singers.

Filled with the greatest songs of the incomparable “Lady Day,” this stunning film biography received five Academy Award nominations, including Diana Ross for “Best Actress.” Billy Dee Williams and Richard Pryor also star – check out the trailer:

Richard Pryor may have been the world’s greatest standup comic, but he was also riveting in dramatic roles like this…here is a look at some of his best work:

Time to head to “L.A” for one of the best film noirs about the city ever made:

5 – “L.A. Confidential”

Director Curtis Hansen tells the story of a corrupt L.A. police department – and the young Detective out to solve a vicious murder – in the 90’s classic “L.A. Confidential”:

Guy Pearce, Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe and Oscar-winning Best Supporting Actress Kim Basinger are great in this crime thriller. Every time I watch this film I grow to love it more.

Another “L.A. Noir” was directed in 1973 by the legendary Robert Altman:

4 – “The Long Goodbye”

Elliott Gould stars as Private Detective Philip Marlowe – here is the trailer:

Altman shot part of the film from L.A.’s legendary “Hollywood Hightower” – see more inside trivia about this legendary movie location – and classic cult film by clicking here:

Robert Altman really captured the mood of Hollywood in his film – and Sophia Coppola did the same for Tokyo:

3 – Lost In Translation

An aging Actor goes to Tokyo to film a Whiskey commercial. He meets the young wife or a Photographer, there to shoot a ditzy starlet. Their friendship is the basis for a terrific film – check out the trailer:

Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are so perfect in the film, which explores friendship, loneliness and so much more:

Alex and I stayed in the iconic Park Hyatt Hotel where this was filmed in Tokyo – click here to see more about this magical place!

I love all of these films on this list for one reason or another – but this next film is on my “top ten of all time” list:

2 – “The Last Of Sheila”

Legendary Broadway Showman Stephen Sondheim and “Psycho” Actor Tony Perkins loved games, so they created a murder mystery that was played by the biggest names in Hollywood….here is the trailer:

What an all-star cast: James Coburn, Raquel Welch, Richard Benjamin, Ryan Cannon and more star in this twisty, devilish fun mystery with a side helping of Hollywood shade!

Read more about this incredible movie here:

Finally, I am a huge fan of Director Steven Soderbergh, and this film is one of the best, another “L.A. Story”:

1 – “The Limey”

Terence Stamp stars as a British mobster who comes to L.A. to find his missing daughter – here is the trailer:

Stamp is mesmerizing in the role, and Peter Fonda stars as the last man to see the daughter alive – this is classic film noir, and another of my favorite films…read more about it here:

There you go, ten GREAT GREAT GREAT films that begin with the letter “L”…it’s been fun looking at every letter of the alphabet through a cinema filter, like my look at the letter “K”:

Sadly, Jerry Lewis passed away – but he left us with his terrific performance in “The King Of Comedy” – you can see that film and all of my “killer K” choices here:

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Let me know your favorite “L” film – and feel free to share this on social media with your friends!

Categories: 70's Cinema, Action Films, Albert Brooks, Art, Comedy Movies, Cult Movies, Film Fight Club, Film Noir, Great Films, Hollywood, Movies, Pop Culture, Revenge Movies, Talent/Celebrities

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11 replies

  1. Hi John, I haven’t seen any of these. Let’s Scare Jessica to Death intrigues me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great selections, as always! Last Of Sheila, L.A. Confidential, Late Show, etc., all great movies!

    I’m so happy to see you mention Let’s Scare Jessica To Death — I love, love the movie! It’s a little gem.

    And The Long Goodbye is my favorite Marlowe movie!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great movie reviews, John!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lady Bird, Leon, Life Is Beautiful, Layer Cake, Lucy, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – it’s a good letter, isn’t it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A nice mix, John, and I have seen most of them. ‘The Limey’ is just fantastic, and still so underrated now. ‘L.A. Confidential’ is such a good film, repeat watches don’t diminish how enjoyable it is.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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