James Bond Strikes “Gold!” 007’s Record-Breaking “Goldfinger” Reviewed!

007 Turns To Gold!

In my yearlong look at every Bond film, we have arrived at the 3rd installment – the film that made James Bond 007 the biggest movie star in the world!

The solid gold image on the poster didn’t hurt!

Bond Becomes The “Fastest Grossing Film In History!”

The first film “Dr. NO” was a hit, and the followup “From Russia With Love” was even more popular – but no one expected what happened when 007’s third film premiered.

Yes, when “Goldfinger” was released in 1964, word quickly got out about the “solid gold” scene in the film, which led to 007 becoming the fastest grossing film in movie history! It was entered into the Guiness Book of World Records!

As you can see, the now iconic 007 pose in the tuxedo with the gun – and of course the poster made clear there would be a “solid gold Bond girl” in the film. And it delivered!

Here is my review of the third James Bond film, “Goldfinger.”

The plot of “Goldfinger” takes the UK’s spy with a “license to kill” to the US for the first time in the series, where 007 investigates a businessman who has an obsession with gold.

Ultimately, Bond uncovers a plot to contaminate the Fort Knox gold reserve!

We first see 007 as he comes out of the water outside a industrial plant – after planting an explosive device inside he strips off his wetsuit to reveal a white tuxedo underneath!

This sequence ends with a fight in a hotel room where Bond electrocutes his opponent, then quips: “Shocking. Positively shocking.”

Bond’s Sensuous Opening Credits!

This film cements what will become a Bond tradition – opening credits where a woman’s figure is prominently featured.

These opening credits are the most provocative yet, starring “golden” Actress Margaret Nolan covers completely in gold while dancing in a bikini, moving seductively as scenes from the film are projected onto her.

Now, onto the theme song: Shirley Bassey provides the absolutely incredible vocals – this is the film where the “Bond Theme” became as iconic as the spy himself.

Here is the opening credits sequence and song – enjoy!

After an explosive opening sequence and credits, we get into the film’s plot: Bond meets Auric Goldfinger, played by Gert Frobe, when 007 discovers that the Industrialist is cheating at cards. 

Bond enters the room where Goldfinger’s Assistant is spying on his opponent’s hand and giving Goldfinger the results via an earpiece. Bond foils that – but for the Assistant, the result of his interference is deadly.

Bond’s “Golden Girl!”

Bond sleeps with the Assistant, but is knocked out when going to replenish their champagne. He wakes up to find her dead, nude in the bed and completely painted in gold!

Here what I found online about the making of this scene:

Although the myth of skin suffocation is based mainly on the incorrect belief that ‘respiration occurs, at least in part, through the skin’, there is the worry that skin is the main surface for temperature exchange, and if heat accumulates for too long, locked under the skin, death is a very real possibility.

To be safe, the crew films Shirley Eaton’s scenes very quickly, with medical assistance just off-camera.

That dynamite set piece ensures we take Goldfinger seriously, and Frobe plays him with an ominous sense of menace at all times, yet also displays an appropriate sense of humor at time as well, like in this classic moment in the film.

“Goldfinger” has one of the best interactions between Bond and his adversary, in this case when 007 has been strapped down on a metal table while a laser slowly burns its way to his crotch.

“Do you expect me to talk?” Bond says with a hint of nervousness.

“No, Mr. Bond!” Goldfinger bellows at him. “I expect you to die!”

We meet the first of many exotic bad guys when Bond goes up against Oddjob, whose hat can decapitate a statue – and a secret agent!

We cement the wicked sense of humor in this film as well, when we are introduced to the film’s “Bond Girl”. We meet her this way:

As the series progresses, we will find that these women have increasingly provocative names. Even with that name, Actress Honor Blackman is tough as nails in the film. She is Goldfinger’s personal Pilot, and she is not swayed by 007’s charisma at all. As she says early on:

“You can turn off the charm. I’m immune.”

The third Bond film also solidifies the set pieces that will be part of the series forever:

Bond flirting with Miss Moneypenny outside M’s office.

“Q” showing Bond a number of gadgets that will factor into the film later on.

Lots of car chases, crashes, fights and explosions.

An iconic adversary, in this case Oddjob, a methodical killer who puts Bond to the test, resulting in an ingenious climax to their penultimate battle.

And finally, “Goldfinger” cements the tradition of non-stop Bond quips, like after his seduction of Goldfinger’s Assistant – when 007 turns on the radio to hear the news. The Announcer says “today in Washington the president said he was entirely satisfied…” Bond turns the radio off and quips: “that makes two of us.”

“Goldfinger” has great acting, exotic locations and some terrific set pieces, along with an explosive ending that is the best action sequence yet for the series.

Here is some great trivia courtesy of IMDB.com:

While the film is set at Fort Knox, 007 never travelled to the United States to film this movie. Every scene in which he appears to be in the U.S. was filmed at Pinewood Studios outside London. This explains why Bond flips a light switch down to discover the golden corpse of Jill, as British light switches are generally turned on by flicking them down instead of up! 

And this just may be the greatest trivia of all – because it involves two iconic Actors who were never in the film!

Though he had been considered for, but never appeared in a Bond movie, Sir Michael Caine was the first person to hear the completed score for this movie. After he and roommate Terence Stamp were ejected from their apartment, Caine asked friend John Barry if he could use the spare bedroom at Barry’s London residence. As they were good friends, Barry agreed and so for several months, Caine crashed with Barry and was there the sleepless night he completed his iconic score. At breakfast the following morning, Barry played his composition for Caine, the first time he’d performed it for anybody!

And of course, that theme song. The amazing Bond theme by which all have aspired!

Shirley Bassey gives the series a whole new energy and sass – and look at this story! According to IMDB:

“When Dame Shirley Bassey recorded the theme song, she was singing as the opening credits were running on a screen in front of her, so that she could match the vocals. When she hit her final high note, the titles kept running and she was forced to hold the note until she almost passed out. She has told the story that she only managed to hold the note after removing a restricting bustier she was wearing!”

It’s one of the “Songs With A G” I profiled and you can see her perform the song here:

This is the third in the Bond series – my last review looked at the sophomore effort from 007:

“From Russia With Love” gave James Bond a worthy adversary – the incredible Robert Shaw!

See why this is a terrific entry in the series by clicking on my review here:

This was the second Bond film – click here to see my review of “the birth of Bond!”

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I will be reviewing all of the 007 films this year, and next up is “Thunderball!”

Let me know your thoughts, and if you like this story please share on social media!

Categories: Action Films, Art, British Cinema, Cult Movies, Film Fight Club, Great Films, Movies, Pop Culture, Talent/Celebrities

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13 replies

  1. I love that you include so much interesting trivia. It was the first film I “properly” reviewed back in high school. Great memories, and that intro with Bond swimming while passing himself off as a bird is something special.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for commenting…I am reviewing them all in order and when I re-watch, it’s interesting to see the patterns that emerge in the series – for good and bad and I am discovering – but they are all worth watching, where good or great!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Goldfinger was one of my favourite Bond films. I was intrigued by the gold paint.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This was my first Bond movie on the big screen (I was 14), and I remember it like it was yesterday. Thank you for this post on one of my favorite movies.


  4. My dad loved Shirley Bassey. She could certainly belt out a song. My favourite Bond film is ‘Skyfall’.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved this one, and you shared some much of the backstory that I never knew – great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I saw the film at a London cinema with my parents. I think my dad was enticed by Shirley Eaton, as she was considered to be ‘hot stuff’ in 1964! :)

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. 007 Strikes Like “Thunderball!” The “First Bond” Film That Wasn’t! – johnrieber
  2. Pearl Jam! Disco! ABBA! Van Halen And More Songs In the Key Of “D”! – johnrieber
  3. This “Music With A G” Has Bruce! Beatles! Billie Eilish! Fleetwood Mac And “Good Vibrations” Too! – johnrieber

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