The Birth Of 007! Reviewing All Bonds Beginning With “Dr. NO!”

“Bond…James Bond.” 

With those three words, one of the world’s greatest movie franchises was launched – on October 5, 1962!

Cinema’s greatest Secret Agent has stayed popular for more than six decades, with six different Actors putting on the tuxedo to play the spy with a “license to kill”…but no one will ever be more iconic that the first Bond – Sean Connery…

In the official Bond canon — the films made by Eon Productions — there are 25 films. Because of licensing issues, there were two other films with the Bond character: the 1967 version of “Casino Royale” – which was a spoof so I won’t review, and Sean Connery’s final outing as 007, 1983’s “Never Say Never Again.” That was due to the fact that a Producer had bought the rights to make a film of Fleming’s novel “Thunderball”, and “Never Say Never Again” was an unofficial remake.

Whew! With that said, I revealed earlier this year that I was going to review all 007 films in order – a tall order but fun as well!

Lots of fun ahead, but let’s begin with 007’s first outing – here is the original trailer, which introduced movie audiences to the coolest secret agent of all time:

On Oct. 5 1962, “Dr. No” had its worldwide premiere at the London Pavilion. However, in those days films opened over the course of months, so it didn’t actually hit the US until six months later, in May 1963. 

Of course, the series also introduced an iconic opening sequence, as Bond walks into frame and then shoots the audience through a gun barrel…here is the first one ever from “Dr. NO”:

The screen slowly drips blood until it turns red, then the circle drifts to the lower right part of the screen and into title credits that consist colored balls over a black screen and we hear the iconic instrumental theme song for the first time.

As credits roll, the screen briefly shows silhouetted Go Go dancers over the black screen – a tease of what would become one of the series’ signature imagery…

The film opens with three hit men taking out a UK operative in Jamaica…that means they need to call on Bond, James Bond to find out what happened.

We first meet Bond as he is playing cards in a casino against a beautiful woman…and 8 minutes into the film he utters the iconic words:

“Bond. James Bond.”

The film introduces many of the signature Bond bits, such as him tossing his hat toward the hatrack every time he enters the office – as well as his flirtatious friendship with Miss Moneypenny.

We also learn from his boss “M” that “when you are a ’00’ agent you have a license to kill, not a license to be killed.”

Another iconic trait of the spy is when he gets his first martini:

“mixed like you asked sir – not stirred”

We see his Astin Martin for the first time during a car chase halfway through the film, and when a car chase results in the bad guy plummeting to their deaths, a worker who saw it says this:

“What has happened?”

To which Bond replies coolly:

“I think they were on their way to a funeral.”

That is the first quip of what would also become a Bond trait in all of the films to come.

007 want to know more about the mysterious Dr. NO, who has a private island nearby and is going to sabotage the US space launch planned soon – as Bond uncovers more, a Secretary seduces him – with an intent to have him killed.

When she is caught she spits in his face – an example of how the women in the film use him as much as he tries to do the same. That is one of the criticisms of the films, that they glorify sexist behavior….and it is prevalent in the film, but I want to point out that when she spits in his face she is giving it right back to him.

We also find that he is ruthless – one traitor on the island tries to shoot him multiple times – but shoots an empty bed by mistake. Bond is sitting in a chair and reveals himself as his adversary holds an empty gun:

“It’s Smith and Wessen…and you’ve had your six.”  

007 shoots him with no remorse at all…showcasing that he does indeed use his “license to kill.”

Meet The First “Bond Girl!”

An hour into the film we meet the first-ever “Bond Girl” – it’s Ursula Andress emerging from the water. We find out right away that she is as tough as 007.

“I promise I won’t steal your shells” Bond says.

I promise you won’t either” she replies. The first “Bond Girl” got off to an empowered start!

We finally see Doctor No for first time late in the film, and find out he has black metal hands.

Doctor No is portrayed by Joseph Wiseman. This is another controversial aspect of the film.

He states that his dad was German and his mom Chinese – but this is also one of the most polarizing aspects of the film: a non-Asian playing an Asian character. As it’s not really germane to the character’s actions in the film, I chose to let it go.

Lots of action and explosions lead to a cheeky “Bond-like” ending…and the character of James Bond 007 has been established well.

So, on a scale of 1-10, how did 007’s first outing rate?

A Solid 8!

The film is very well made, you really understand the character, there is an interesting story being told that builds to a satisfying ending….here’s what one review online said:

“Featuring plenty of the humor, action, and escapist thrills the series would become known for, Dr. No kicks off the Bond franchise in style.”

In the UK, “Dr. No” ended up as the fifth most popular movie of 1962. The final box office gross was $59.6 million worldwide. The success of the film ensured that 007 would be back – and soon.

Of course, the film also started a trend for the series:

The Iconic “Bond Girls!”

Honey is the first of what would become a coveted role – the “Bond Girl.” They are beautiful but empowered, and in this first film, Ursula Andress is given a chance to prove it when she tell 007 about an older man who assaulted her, so she put a Black Widow spider in his bed the next day.

“They’re the worst. It took him almost a week to die…did I do wrong?”

In 2003, the scene of her emerging from the water in a bikini topped England Channel 4’s list of one hundred sexiest scenes of film history!

Oh, and did you know that her nickname was “Ursula UNDRESS?”

Andress was the first of many incredible “Bond Girls” who have starred alongside 007, and there will always be arguments over who are the best “Bond Girls” – there have been many, and some clearly stood out:

You can click here to see some of my favorites:

I love this film series, and I’m not a fan of looking back at films from different eras and putting today’s standards against them…but that is happening now – click here to see the story of one theater that put a warning out when showing these films again:

The film series is celebrating the music of 007, and writing the theme song has become a coveted opportunity, with some of the world’s biggest Musical Artists have had the honor:

Adele wowed everyone with her “Skyfall” theme song, but some have been less successful…here is a list of my best and worst 007 themes:

There are those who even want to judge the Bonds themselves!

This documentary looks a the entire Bond phenomenon, and I weighed in on my “best” and “Worst” Bonds, which you can read here:

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I will be reviewing all of the 007 films this year, so let me know your thoughts, and if you like this story please share on social media!

Categories: Action Films, British Cinema, Cult Movies, Film Fight Club, Film Noir, Great Films, Movies, Pop Culture, Revenge Movies, Talent/Celebrities

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19 replies

  1. The first one, and still one of the best. It looks great, the story is interesting, and Connery is cool and deliciously mean. 


  2. I think my favourite is ‘Skyfall’. I have read that the next Bond will be played by a woman. Ian Fleming must be writhing in his grave. Of course she will be stronger than all the men. It’s ludicrous!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. loved the bonds, and some better than others, and Connery is my bond. This will be a great series

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I did like this story. Thank you for the back story on Dr. No. Any James Bond fan knows those first three words. The first Bond movie I saw was Goldfinger, and the rest is a great Bond movie love with Sean Connery as James Bond. Women were empowered, something uncommon in the early 60’s. Honestly, every woman loved Sean Connery as James Bond, and the females projected strength. That was big!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am trying to put some of that into context because of charges today that he was a sexist pig and racist at times as well….we all see art through our own filter but his character was a “charmer” and I pointed out that he was out-maneuvered by empowered women in the films as well….thank you for your comment and insight!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You stated that very well, John. Context is everything, and our filter should understand that. If you look at the time frame, he was not a sexist pig, but a smooth and smart man, surrounded by strong women. Best to you, John.


  5. James Bond = the definition of cool.


  6. Sean Connery was James Bond….all others are pale in comparison. chuq

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I saw that film at the cinema with my parents when I was 10 years old. I enjoyed the gadgets and the action, and thought the ladies were glamorous. But that was the last Bond I ever really enjoyed, and once Roger Moore got into the part playing for laughs, I stopped watching Bond films completely.

    I have read all the novels though, and I think they are superior to the films.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 1/15/24 — 1/21/24 | Through the Shattered Lens
  2. Bond Is Back “From Russia With Love!” 007’s Second Outing Reviewed! – johnrieber
  3. “Dirty” Harrys, Marys And Scoundrels Too! Ten “Movies With A D!” – johnrieber
  4. 1983’s Renegade 007! Sean Connery Should Have Said “Never Again” To Bond! – johnrieber

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