Cinema “A – Z” Rolls Out Ten Classic “B” Movies!

Let’s Go To The Movies!

Well, 2023 is in the record books, and while the various Hollywood strikes kept many highly anticipated films off the silver screen, there were enough to make it a very satisfying year at the cinema:

As you can see from the photo, I “hung out” in my local theater many times in 2023 – and among the great films of this past year were “Air”, “Poor Things”, “The Holdovers”, “John Wick IV” and more…but it’s also time to look at some great movies that all have one thing in common: the letter “B”!

“B” movies suggest a quirky type of cult film like “Blue Velvet” or just plain bad movies like “The Room”, films that roll around deliciously in the muddy swamps of cinema…but here are ten great “B” films, beginning with our favorite movie animal!

10 – Babe!

Yes, the “talking pig” movie…I happened upon it recently again and it reminded me just how charming and heartfelt this 1995 movie is!

A young pig befriends the other animals on a farm and becomes an unexpected hero….just terrific from beginning to end!

Check out the trailer:

I just love this film and can watch it whenever its on…

9 – Barton Fink

In 1991, the Coen Brothers told the mind-blowing story of Barton Fink, a renowned New York playwright is enticed to California to write for the movies and discovers the hellish truth of Hollywood.

Check out the trailer:

John Turturro is the Writer who develops writer’s block as soon as he arrives in mid-30’s Hollywood, and John Goodman is a traveling salesman who lives in his building…or is he?

This film is a wicked take on Hollywood and is just another brilliant film from these brothers…next up is a classic science fiction film from 1982 with the iconic line:

“Wake Up, Time To Die”

8 – Blade Runner

This Ridley Scott films stars Harrison Ford as a “blade runner” who must terminate four “replicants” who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.

Here is the trailer:

According to IMDB, Ridley Scott’s first cut ran four hours! When he showed it to the cast and crew, they “admitted that while it looked beautiful, it was mostly incomprehensible, necessitating additional editing and an explanatory voice-over.”

The imagery of the film is haunting, and one of the greatest moments is when the late Rutger Hauer, one of the replicants, leans over Ford and whispers:

“Wake up, time to die.”

The Director has released numerous versions of the film, but the original holds up just fine for me…

Here is one of the most seminal films of the 60’s, which ushered a whole new era of explicit violence in film:

7 – Bonnie & Clyde

In 1967, Arthur Penn directed this brilliant film starring Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, Gene Hackman and Michael J. Pollard – a raw, violent and controversial look at these modern day outlaws:

My friend Alison Martino hosted a screening in LA with the late Actor Michael J. Pollard in attendance… here is a look at that event:

Time to lighten the mood, with the the highest grossing R-rated female comedy of all time!

6 – Bridesmaids

Kristen Wiig catapulted to stardom in 2011, along with Melissa McCarthy, thanks to this hilariously funny look at the world of “bridesmaids” – check out the trailer:

This ensemble cast is amazing – and Jon Hamm is hilarious is a small role as Wiig’s sex-crazed boyfriend:

Here is some surprising trivia, thanks to IMDB:

“Before he came to Hollywood, Jon Hamm, who plays Ted in this movie, was a high school drama teacher at the John Burroughs School in Ladue, Missouri. One of his acting students was Ellie Kemper, who plays Becca.”

Wow, I love that!

Now that I have you laughing, time to thrust you into a political assassination drama that was overlooked upon release, but now is considered a masterpiece!

5 – Blow Out

Legendary Director Brian DePalma made this political thriller set during the 1976 bicentennial election. John Travolta has never been better as a Sound Engineer who accidentally captures a political assassination – here is the trailer:

Travolta is terrific in the film, which bombed upon release, but is now considered a masterpiece. DePalma’s previous film was “Dressed To Kill”, and while that thriller was a smash hit, this was considered too dark by audiences at the time:

DePalma’s then wife Nancy Allen starred as well, and she did a great job…read more about this film, and other DePalma masterpieces, here:

Want to feel really good after a movie ends? Well, this image will remind you of one of the reason cinema is so magical:

4 – Big

Here’s another gem that we rewatched this week and forgot just how hilarious and warm and perfect it is. Everyone knows the moment that Tom Hanks jumped on the giant keyboard – and is soon joined by his boss…but Tom is only 13 years old!

Tom Hanks is incredible as a young boy who visits a carnival, put a coin in the machine wishes he was “big” and boy did his wish pay off!

Check out the trailer:

Want more comedy? Well, next up is one of my favorite movies about Hollywood – and arguably Eddie Murphy’s greatest comedic role!

3 – Bowfinger

Steve Martin wrote this affectionate look at the underbelly of Hollywood, and Eddie Murphy is hilarious in two roles!

Click here to see the trailer:

This is a great ensemble cast, an affectionate look at the “anger ons” in Hollywood, and a really funny movie as well – click here for a ton of trivia about this great movie:

Here’s a movie that starred a Hollywood legend:

2 – The Big Sleep

Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall sizzle in this classic film noir directed by Howard Hawks from a script by legendary Writer William Faulkner!

Check out the classic trailer:

Bogart plays Private Investigator Philip Marlowe, who is hired by a wealthy general to find out and stop his youngest daughter, Carmen, from being blackmailed about her gambling debts…

According to Lauren Bacall, production was such fun, that they got a memo from Jack L. Warner saying “Word has reached me that you are having fun on the set. This must stop.”

The film is based on the series of novels by Raymond Chandler…all of them are worth reading as well!

Click here to see them all and the scene in “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” that involves a Chandler quote!

Finally, here is a modern “film noir” classic, which took the genre that “The Big Sleep” epitomized and added a frank sexuality:

1 – Body Heat

Lawrence Kasden directed this brilliant film noir in 1981 – a steamy erotic thriller starring William Hurt and Kathleen Turner – here is the trailer:

“Body Heat” is one of my favorite movies of all time – a great thriller that has a mystery that unfolds beautifully…a classic – see more here:

There you have it – ten films beginning with the letter “B” – let me know what you think, and don’t forget to check out my “A” list as well – click here!

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Categories: 70's Music, Academy Awards, Action Films, Art, Books / Media, Comedy Movies, Cult Movies, Film Fight Club, Film Noir, Great Films, Hollywood, Movies, Pop Culture, Revenge Movies, Talent/Celebrities

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28 replies

  1. You picked some great ones, John. I’d forgotten a few, so thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lots of great ‘b’s’ to love, especially body heat, blowout, and bowfinger. have you ever seen ‘the conversation’ with gene hackman? one of my favorite super mind-blowing films when you get to ‘c.’

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good list John!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the scene from Big where Tom Hanks is in such good spirits after his sleepover. 🤣


  5. Some great movies in this selection, even if #9 appears to have been cancelled 🤣


  6. A great line-up, and the “no fun on the set” rule is hilarious.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Some excellent choices, John. But as Blade Runner is my number one film of all time, (so far) I can’t accept it as a B-film, and it should be number one on any list. :)Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people


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